Delaney Dickerson - Painting/Photo/Video/Creativity



Women and Skateboards!!

I used to be an avid skate boarder, and I'm excited that I'm going to be part of a show this May called…


It's going to be a group of women artists painting skate boards. I have three decks that I'm working on, but this is my work in progress for board 1. I'm obsessed with Bee's and Hives right now. The intent for me with this show is to put fine artwork painted on a skate deck. The details are still yet to be finalized, but it's either going to be a pop-up gallery over by Roosevelt row or at {9} Gallery  off of Grand and 12Ave. Leave it up to me to overwhelm my self at the end of the semester with homework, work, and now painting. We do it, because we love it and it feeds our soul!